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Becoming a Notary Public has never been easier. All of your State's Contact Information is listed for your reference and review. Scroll down and you will find your State's Qualifications and easy to follow Application Procedures.

Thanks for allowing the Notary Learning Center to help you in becoming a Notary Public.

Because the qualifications and requirements are different for each state, use the "Select another State" menu above for information specific to becoming a Notary Public in that State.

Contact Information:

Appointing Authority: Lieutenant Governor

Secretary of State:
Office of the Secretary of State
PO Box 5616
Montgomery, AL 36103-5616

Telephone: 334-242-7200


Applicants for the office of notary public must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Rules and regulations regarding the appointing of notaries may vary by county
  • Resident of Alabama (minimum of one day)
  • Resident of the county in which you are commissioned
  • Obtain the endorsement of 3 county citizens
  • Meet other possible requirements by the Appointing Probate Judge

Term of Office
4 years

Notaries in the State of Alabama are appointed and commissioned by the Probate Judges of the various counties. The Probate Judge reports to the Secretary of State the name, county, date of issuance and date of expiration of the commission of each notary appointed and commissioned under applicable law.
For information on being appointed a notary public, please contact the Probate Judge for your county. Click Find Probate Judge to obtain contact information for him or her.
The Alabama Secretary of State's office does not have Notary application materials.

Notary Education
Recommended - not required

Notary Exam
Not required

Study Course
"Notary Public Education Course"
FREE when you purchase a Notary Supply Package at The Notary's Store

$25,000 (Obtained after receiving your commission)

Seal of Office
Rubber Stamp Seal with reproducible ink required by state law, embossing seal is optional

Notary Journal
Required by state law

E & O insurance
Not required - Errors and Omissions Insurance is recommended for notary protection

Application Procedures

Step 1: Submit your Notary Application

You will be submitting your notary application to the Office of Probate Judge of your residence county. Fax or mail a copy of your Letter of Appointment from the Office of Probate Judge.

New and Renewing Notary Packages
New and Renewing Notary Packages
Renewing Notary Packages do not come with a notary journal

Step 2: Order your Official Embossing Seal and Notary Journal from The Notary's Store, but you will need to order your required $25,000 Alabama Notary Bond separately.

Each time you apply for a notary commission you must submit a new $25,000 Alabama notary bond. The notary bond is a specific document that must be completed and submitted as part of the application process. No bond or insurance that your employer is already holding will function as your notary bond. It will always be necessary for you to acquire a new bond and to submit it with each application.

After you receive your Letter of Appointment please visit The Notary's Store, you will be entering the Alabama section for your official notary supplies. We offer a New Notary Supply Package and a Renewing Notary Supply Package which includes your required Alabama Notary Embossing Seal and Alabama Notary Journal, and other needed notary supplies at a special reduced price, but you will need to order your required $25,000 Alabama Notary Bond separately. To order products separately, enter all required information and scroll down through the page to locate any other products you would like to order at this time.

Note: An Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy does not replace a bond, but will help to repay the bonding company if a claim is ever made. Errors and Omissions is not required by law, but may be purchased as it protects the notary public and pays for any charges the notary might owe for legal fees and costs should the notary be sued.

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