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Becoming a Notary Public has never been easier. All of your State's Contact Information is listed for your reference and review. Scroll down and you will find your State's Qualifications and easy to follow Application Procedures.

Thanks for allowing the Notary Learning Center to help you in becoming a Notary Public.

Because the qualifications and requirements are different for each state, use the "Select another State" menu above for information specific to becoming a Notary Public in that State.

Contact Information:

State Contact: Office of the Secretary of State
Appointing Authority: Secretary of State

Secretary of State
Divison of Corporations, UCC and Commissions
Notary Public Section
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101

Telephone: 207-624-7752
Fax: 207-287-5874


Applicants for the office of notary public must meet the following criteria:

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Resident of the State of Maine, or
  • A resident of the state of New Hampshire who are regularly employed or carry on a trade or business in Maine can be commissioned as a Notary Public in Maine
  • Be worthy of the public trust.

The complete Rules Governing the Elegibility and Procedures for Appointment and Renewal of Commissions Notary Public are available from the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions and provide more details.

Note: Maine notary public commission renewals may now be completed online using the Total Notary Solution - Online Renewal option from the office of the Maine Secretary of State.

Term of Office
7 years

Secretary of State

Notary Education
Recommended - not required

Notary Exam
Required by the state (Part of the Maine or New Hampshire Notary Application)

Study Course
"Notary Public Education Course"
FREE when you purchase a Notary Supply Package at The Notary's Store

Not required by state law

Seal of Office
Officially recommended - not required

Notary Journal
Strongly recommended

E & O insurance
Not required - Errors and Omissions Insurance is recommended for notary protection

Application Procedures

Step 1: Download and complete the Notary Public Application Form

Maine Notary Public Application

New Hampshire Notary Public Application

The applications for Maine and New Hampshire residents seeking appointment as a Maine Notary Public can be downloaded, completed and mailed to this office. The applications are in an Adobe Acrobat fillable format that can be completed on-screen, printed locally from your computer and mailed to this office. The application contains detailed instructions explaining how it and the accompanying notary knowledge test are to be completed. Follow the instructions exactly, as any discrepancies can cause a delay in processing. If you have questions about this application, please call the Notary Public Section at (207) 624-7652.

Your signature in the Oath portion of the Application will need to be notarized. The Find a Notary feature from Notary Rotary, Inc., can be helpful in locating a notary in your area to help process your application.

To renew your commission, please use our new Total Notary Solution - Online Renewal. This service allows you to update your Notary Public Commission information with the Secretary of State, as well as to renew your Commission. You may update your last name, legal, physical and/or mailing addresses, contact telephone numbers, email address and any other revisions.

The application must be returned with the $50.00 application fee made payable to the "Secretary of State" to the following address:

Secretary of State
Division of Corporations, UCC and Commissions
Notary Public Section
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101

The Secretary of State considers applications for Notary Public appointments. If the Secretary of State determines that the applicant is suitable, commission paperwork is issued and mailed directly to the applicant.

Step 2: Swear your Oath of Office in the presence of a Dedimus Justice

An applicant is not permitted to act as a notary public at the time the commission is first issued. Under the provisions of the Maine Constitution, the applicant must first qualify by swearing an Oath of Office before a Dedimus Justice. Any Dedimus Justice in the State of Maine may administer the Oath of Office.

Upon appointment, each appointee will receive a Certificate of Qualification (oath of office form) and a notice describing the process of being sworn into office. The date of the applicant's appointment appears on the front of the Certificate of Qualification and the notice accompanying this document.

The applicant must take the Oath of Office before a Dedimus Justice within 30 days of the date of the applicant's appointment. After administering the Oath of Office, the Dedimus Justice will complete the Certificate of Qualification.

To find a Dedimus Justice in your area, you may contact the Notary Public Section at 207-624-7652 or go to Find a Dedimus Justice

Step 3: Return the Certificate of Qualification to the Secretary of State

The applicant must then return the completed Certificate of Qualification to the Department of the Secretary of State within 45 days of the date of the applicant's appointment. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the Certificate of Qualification physically arrives on time with the Secretary of State.

Important Note: If the applicant for the office of Notary Public is not sworn into office by a Dedimus Justice within 30 days and/or the Certificate of Qualification is not received by the Secretary of State within 45 days of the date of appointment, the commission is suspended and the applicant must contact the Secretary of State's office to obtain a new Certificate of Qualification to achieve a valid appointment.

An applicant should not order notarial supplies with the commission date on it until the applicant receives the Certificate of Office.

Upon receipt of the properly completed Certificate of Qualification, the appointee's Certificate of Office will be mailed. This is the only evidence that the Secretary of State has received your oath of office form in a timely manner.

New and Renewing Notary Packages
New and Renewing Notary Packages
Renewing Notary Packages do not come with a notary journal

Step 4: Order your supplies from The Notary's Store

Please visit The Notary's Store, you will be entering the Maine section for your official notary supplies. We offer both a New Notary Supply Package and a Renewing Notary Supply Package which include your officially recommended Maine Notary Seal/Stamp, Maine Notary Journal, and other needed notary supplies at a special reduced price. To order, enter the required information and scroll down through the page to locate the notary packages and any other products you would like to purchase. Follow the instructions through checkout. Once you have your official seal and journal you are ready to perform notarial acts.

Note: An Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy is not required by law, but may be purchased as it protects the notary public and pays for any charges the notary might owe for legal fees and costs should the notary be sued.

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