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Becoming a Notary Public has never been easier. All of your State's Contact Information is listed for your reference and review. Scroll down and you will find your State's Qualifications and easy to follow Application Procedures.

Thanks for allowing the Notary Learning Center to help you in becoming a Notary Public.

Because the qualifications and requirements are different for each state, use the "Select another State" menu above for information specific to becoming a Notary Public in that State.

Contact Information:

State Contact: Office of the Secretary of State
Appointing Authority: Secretary of State

Department of State
Division of Commissions, Legislation and Notaries
210 North Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0029

Telephone: 717-787-5280


Applicants for the office of notary public must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be a resident of or be employed within the Commonwealth
  • Be of good character, integrity and ability
  • Must not have been convicted or pled guilty or nolo contendere to a felony or a lesser offense incompatible with the duties of a notary public during the five-year period preceding the date of application.
The following persons are not eligible to hold the office of notary public:
  • Any person holding any judicial office in the Commonwealth, except the office of Magisterial District Justice
  • A member of the U.S. Congress, and a person holding an office or appointment of profit or trust under the legislative, executive or judiciary departments of the federal government for which he or she receives a salary, fees or perquisites
  • Any member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania
  • Has not had a prior notary public commission revoked by the Commonwealth or any other state during the five year period preceding the date of application

Term of Office
4 years

Secretary of State

Notary Education
Required by state law

Notary Exam
Required by state law (New notary appointments ONLY)

Study Course
"Notary Public Education Course" (this is not the state approved training course)
FREE when you purchase a Notary Supply Package at The Notary's Store

$10,000 (Obtained after receiving your commission)

Seal of Office
Rubber Stamp Seal with reproducible ink required by state law. Embossing Seal is optional and can only be used in conjunction with your rubber seal stamp.

Notary Journal
Required by state law

E & O insurance
Not required - Errors and Omissions Insurance is recommended for notary protection

Application Procedures

Step 1: Complete the mandatory education requirement for commission as a Pennsylvania Notary Public

Pennsylvania notaries public are required to be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the office. As a condition for initial appointment and reappointment, notaries public are required to complete a three hour pre-approved notary public education course within six months immediately preceding application.

An approved notary education course may be comprised of either interactive or classroom instruction and must contain a core curriculum covering the duties and responsibilities of the notary office and electronic notarization. Courses preapproved by the Secretary are designated as approved for initial appointment or approved for reappointment. All courses approved for initial appointment may be used to satisfy the education requirement for reappointment, in addition to the courses approved solely for reappointment. Courses approved for reappointment are more advanced in content and are designed to be relevant for the notary who has already completed the basic education course and has encountered more complicated documents and advanced notary issues in the course of a previous commission.

Save money and time by going to and purchase a Pennsylvania notary training supply package. You can also take the 5-star rated Pennsylvania state-approved notary course without purchasing supplies.

When you complete the course, download your PDF Certificate of Completion so you will have it for the online application.

Step 2: Submit the Pennsylvania notary public application online
Visit the Pennsylvania Department of State website to begin the online process.
Pennsylvania Application Process Instructions and Notary Public Application

New and Renewing Notary Packages
New and Renewing Notary Packages
Renewing Notary Packages do not come with a notary journal

Our New and Renewal Notary Packages DO NOT include your required $10,000 Pennsylvania Notary Bond.

Step 3: Order your Official Notary Supplies from The Notary's Store but you will need to order your notary bond separately.

Each applicant for the office of notary public for the State of Pennsylvania is required to purchase a 4-year $10,000 notary bond.
Please visit The Notary's Store you will be entering the Pennsylvania section for your official notary supplies. We offer a New Notary Supply Package and a Renewing Notary Supply Package which include your required Pennsylvania Notary Seal/Stamp and Pennsylvania Notary Journal, and other needed notary supplies at a special reduced price, but you will need to order your required $10,000 Pennsylvania Notary Bond separately. To order, enter the required information and scroll down through the page to locate the notary packages, or you can purchase your notary supplies separately. Follow the instructions through checkout. Once you receive your official surety bond from The Notary's Store, make a copy of the actual bond for your records. Now you may proceed with step 4.

Note: An Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy does not replace a bond, but will help to repay the bonding company if a claim is ever made. Errors and Omissions is not required by law, but may be purchased as it protects the notary public and pays for any charges the notary might owe for legal fees and costs should the notary be sued.

Step 4: File with the County Recorder of Deeds and the Prothonotary

When you receive your supplies from The Notary's Store, you should inspect them to be certain the information is correct. You will then need to record the commission, executed bond and oath form in the Recorder of Deeds in the county where your office is located. You will then need to register your official signature with the Prothonotary of the county wherein your business is located. You may be charged a fee of $.50 for the registration of your signature. You must sign your name exactly and only as it appears on your commission.

This must be completed within FORTY- FIVE (45) DAYS after the date of appointment or the commission becomes null and void. Extensions will not be given.

Once these requirements are met, the Recorder of Deeds will issue the commission and wallet card to you and you will be ready to act as a commissioned notary public for the State of Pennsylvania.

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