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Renewing your Commission has never been easier. All of your State's Contact Information is listed for your reference and review. Scroll down and you will find your State's Qualifications and easy to follow Application Procedures.

Thanks for allowing the Notary Learning Center to help you in renewing your Notary Public commission.

Because the qualifications and requirements are different for each state, use the "Select another State" menu above for information specific to becoming a Notary Public in that State.

Contact Information:

State Contact: Office of the Secretary of State
Appointing Authority: State Treasurer

Secretary of State
Division of Revenue
Business Support Services/Notary Section
PO Box 452
Trenton, NJ 08625

Division of Revenue
225 West State Street, 3rd Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608-1001
Attention - Notary Unit

Telephone: 609-292-0642


Applicants for the office of notary public must meet the following criteria:

  • A Notary Public must be 18 years or older.
  • A Notary Public must be a resident of New Jersey or a resident of an adjoining state who maintains, or is regularly employed in, an office in this State.
  • The State Treasurer may not appoint any person who has been convicted of a crime under the laws of any state or the United States, for an offense involving dishonesty, or a crime of the first or second degree.

Term of Office
5 years

New Jersey notaries are appointed by the State Treasurer and sworn into office by the Clerk of the county in which they reside.

Notary Education
Recommended - not required

Notary Exam
Not required

Study Course
"Notary Public Education Course"
FREE when you purchase a Notary Supply Package at The Notary's Store

Not required by state law

Seal of Office
Both Rubber Stamp Seal and Embossing seal are optional. The notary can print or type your name and commission information.

Notary Journal
Required by state law

E & O insurance
Not required - Errors and Omissions Insurance is recommended for notary protection

Application Procedures

Step 1: Download and complete the New Jersey Notary Public Application

New Jersey Notary Public Application

Complete the application form in strict accordance with the instructions listed on the form. As part of completing the form, obtain an endorsement from a member of the Legislature. When you have completed the form according to the instructions and obtained an endorsement from a member of the Legislature, you should mail these items along with a $25.00 check made payable to "State Treasurer, State of New Jersey", to the following address:

Notary Public Section
PO Box 452
Trenton, NJ 08646

Note: Non-resident applicants must also file an affidavit with the State Treasurer setting forth their residence and address of the office or place of employment in New Jersey. The affidavit should be submitted with the application form to the Notary Section.

Step 2: Receive your commission packet and take your Oath with the County Clerk

Once you receive the Commission Certificate and Oath Qualification Certificate, take them to the County Clerk of the county in which you reside within three (3) months of the date listed on the commission certificate. The County Clerk will then administer the oath of office and collect a filing fee according to the Clerk's statutory fee schedule. The County Clerk will then return the Qualification Certificate to the Notary Section, thereby completing the application process.

Note: Remember that failure to meet the 3-month time limit will result in the cancellation of the appointment, and the filing fee will be non-refundable.

New and Renewing Notary Packages
New and Renewing Notary Packages
Renewing Notary Packages do not come with a notary journal

Step 3: Order your notary supplies from The Notary's Store

Please visit The Notary's Store you will be entering the New Jersey section for your official notary supplies. We offer both a New Notary Supply Package and a Renewing Notary Supply Package which include your recommended New Jersey Notary Seal/Stamp, required New Jersey Notary Journal and other needed notary supplies at a special reduced price. To order, enter the required information and scroll down through the page to locate the notary packages and any other products you would like to purchase. Follow the onscreen instructions through the order process and your order will ship as soon as it is processed. Supplies ship in usually no more than 2 business days after processing. Once you receive your seal, notary journal and supplies you will be ready to begin your duties as a notary public for the State of New Jersey.

Note: An Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy is not required by law, but may be purchased as it protects the notary public and pays for any charges the notary might owe for legal fees and costs should the notary be sued.

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